Our Services
Our Services
We specialise in customising t-shirts for individuals, events and businesses. We have a wide range of t-shirt sizes, designs and materials that make you stand out and make your t-shirt collection more versatile. Ranging from the trending and latest graphics, prints and logos that reflect your individual style to social campaigns, let us help you express your style in your own unique way. Are you ready to be unique?
We print and embroider football, college, sports and gym t shirts. Order your size, colour and design and let us help you encourage more productivity and sense of belonging in your club.
Get your customised sports teams t-shirts with numbers, names, logos and colours. Order your size, colour and design and let us make it easier for your team to be easily recognised.
We print in loving memory, rest in peace and memorial t shirts for your loved ones. Order your sizes, colours and prints and let us help you to visibly express your loss and grief.
Get your birthday t-shirts with picture for a baby, girl, boy, adults and couples. Simply order your sizes, colours and prints and make your birthday or your loved worth remembering!
Get into the perfect festive mode in your unisex Christmas and custom printed Christmas t shirts for the whole family. Simply order your sizes, colours and prints and let us create a special festive feeling in your Christmas t-shirt.
We print your cute Valentine’s Day t shirts for girls, ladies and couples. Just order your sizes, colours and prints and let us help you express your affection in a visual way.
Our Benefits
We offer you free consultation on t-shirt customisation ideas to make the process less overwhelming.
Customer Focused
The customer always comes first in everything that we do. This means that our clients get a uniform and consistent service.
12 Years of Experience
Delivering value which means we get all our customer orders right the first time.
Satifaction Guarantee
There is more progress and productivity in unity, for that reason all our work expresses unity in satisfying our customers.
We have various other services such as.....
Work Wear
We personalise your staff uniforms and product promotion t-shirts. Depending on your designs, your t-shirts can be screen printed or embroided. Order your logo or print, size and colour or let us design your work wear for you for a more professional look!
Mothers Day
Get your custom mother’s day t shirts for family, mom and daughter. Simply order your print, size and colour and let help you express your love for her in style.
We print and embroid personal t shirts! Create your print or design or have it designed for you. Order your t-shirt size and colour and let us make you unique in your own style!
We make branded t shirts for companies. Simply order your print, size and colour and let us help you show that you’re organised and unified!
Bridal Shower
We customise bachelorette party shirts for you bride to be. Order your size, colour and design and let us make your bridal shower classy and memorable!
Church Ministries
We embroider and print your church choir gowns, usher and security t shirts. Order your sizes, colours and designs and let us help your guests identify the people who can help them on what to do or where to go when they arrive at your church.
Frequently Asked Questions
We accept the following payment methods
●Debit or credit card
P.S Please note that we are not able to proceed with your order until we have received your payment.
Yes, you can. Please send any emails to info@ekwtextiles.co.uk
Should you wish to call us, please phone +447564219639
There is no minimum or maximum order that you can place. We serve clients that range from individuals to large organisations so there is no limit on the quantity of order that you can make.
Depending on the quantity of the order, we get your paid order delivered to your within 24 hours. For larger orders, we deliver within 48 hours.